Hydrogen Energy
Advanced Mechanical Applications
Our company’s service and role is to provide solutions through project management, consulting, and partnerships for research and development activities from ideation to final product, including improving existing technologies and products in our areas of operation and transforming new ideas in the same operational areas into products.
We merge product development activities with innovative ideas to improve our existing products.
We conduct research and development activities necessary to transform new ideas into products.
We would be pleased to work together in areas of our expertise.
*Hidrojenin adsorpsiyon esaslı MOF ve kompozitlerinde depolanması, tüp içerisindeki araştırmaları, dolum ve boşaltım performansları
*MOF ve benzeri adsorpsiyon esaslı gaz depolayıcı tüpler dolum, boşaltım ve performans testleri
*Bilgisayar destekli tasarım (CAD), teorik ve deneysel mekanik testleri, üretime hazırlama ve prototip imalatı
*Kurumsal ve özel mekanların enerji verimliliği analizleri, multijenerasyon sistemler için analizleri ve yatırım yol haritasının çıkarılması
Computer-Aided Design
Mechanical and other tests are performed in a computer environment using Finite Element Analysis.
Computational Fluid Dynamics
Molecular Simulation
Quantum mechanic calculations
Theoretical structural characterization
Hydrogen storage material investigation
Gas storage and other applications of adsorbents
Energy Efficiency Analysis
Analysis of the suitability of corporate and private spaces for current energy load calculations, co-generation, tri-generation, and multi-generation applications, determination of alternatives and roadmaps.
Hydrogen Storage System filled with MOFs
Granted by TUBITAK 1507; 7200968
Material based sorbent filled hydrogen storage system investigation and their performances researched along the project. And three different types of hydrogen storage containers produced.
ARK; Weightless Radiation Protection System
Granted by KOSGEB R&D 46YVU
The system is improved for better and ergonomical use in the radiology /angiography laboratories to protect primer doctors against ionized radiation that exist in the mentioned areas.
MOF Production in Industrial Scale
Granted by TUBITAK 1507; 7220312
Pproducing Metal Organic Framework (MOF) in the industrial scale for the Gas seperation/Purification and Storage application aimed in this project.
Collaboration is the ultimate key to success
We are trying to do our best together
Keep in Touch
Söğütlü Mah. Dilek Sok. No 10 B Akçaabat/Trabzon
Teknoloji Geliştirme Bölgesi 3106 Üniversite Mah. 19B Ortahisar/Trabzon
0532 653 6212